Our goal is to provide healthcare facilities and awareness in line with medical standards

About the School of Nursing & Midwifery


Murshid School of Nursing & Midwifery offers educational and training programs in health care services in an environment that is professional and friendly at the same time. The offered programs provide an effective combination of theory and practicals to prepare a team of professionals who could immediately start their career at any good hospital.

The Murshid Hospital’s School of Nursing is among the 239 institutes registered at Pakistan Nursing Council.  Through its carefully chosen faculty members, it is setting high standards for providing quality education to its students. It is believed that these students will not only have a rewarding career but will make a difference in the society with their profession that respects human dignity, supports a healthy living environment, prevents the spread of illnesses and diseases and will bring change in initiatives through literacy.

The Murshid Nursing School started operating in a private rented building in Modern Cooperative Housing Society, Karachi, in July 1985 as a School of Nursing for girls only. The very next year in October 1986, the School of Nursing was recognized by Pakistan Nursing Council. The graduation of the first batch of nurses was held in September 1988. After five years of operation, it was realized that training for the male nurses was as much needed as for any female nurse and therefore with the approval of the Pakistan Nursing Council the training of male staff was introduced in September 1991. The midwifery training was started by the school the next year in March 1992. In order to serve the community, Pupil Midwifery program started in 2008 which was transformed into Community midwife two years program in 2018. Now, Murshid School of Nursing is offering degree programs to meet adequate standards of nursing practices by producing professionals under the category of Four Years Generic BSN, and Two Years of Post RN BSc program affiliated with Dow University of Health Sciences since 2017. Moreover, Total 12 Technician programs are being offered by the School of Nursing, affiliated with Sindh Medical Faculty, Karachi to prepare auxiliary staff for nursing practice since 2005.

The construction work of Murshid Hospital, near Hub River, completed in 1987, but owing to a shortage of funds the School continued to function in the private building till 1994. The nursing school shifted to the adjacent building to the hospital premises when the school building along with hostel facilities was completed in 1995, the financial assistance for which was provided by the Government of Pakistan. It has a covered area of 25,606 square feet (0.5 acres) with an attached hostel and a small garden enclosed within its boundaries. The nursing school has a beautifully built premise which has all the required facilities and necessary equipment needed by any modern institution built for the purpose. Students learn from highly qualified faculty with current industry experience, utilizing on-site state-of-the-art facilities.

As part of the program, students have the opportunity to work at various placement setups within the community & other hospitals. Some programs also offer opportunities to participate in inter-professional learning experiences, and local and international community service projects.

Curriculum Standard

Using a national consensus-based process, the school has led the development of a series of essential documents that outline competency expectations for the Diploma and Degrees of Nursing education programs. Using these documents, the School of Nursing can ensure that they adhere to the highest standards for its educational program and meet accreditation guidelines. The School plans to publish quality indicators and guidelines defining the essential clinical resources for nursing education and faculty practice very soon.

Government Advocacy

In government relations and other advocacy, the School is working to advance policy on nursing education and practice. As one of the leading institutions, it is trying to secure sustained federal support for nursing education in shaping legislative and regulatory policy affecting nursing college and ensure continuing financial assistance for nursing students.


An autonomous arm of the School, the Pakistan Nursing Council (PNC), and Q.E.C of Dow University of Health Sciences ensures that this officially recognized School provides the quality and integrity of Diploma and degree-based education programs for preparing professional nurses.

Data Services

Each year, the College surveys all nursing programs as part of its work to maintain the Institutional Data System, a comprehensive databank reporting current statistics on student enrolments and graduations, faculty and demographics, budgets, institutional resources, and other trends in nursing education. Several annual reports assist member schools in benchmarking efforts and making policy decisions.

Conferences and Seminars

Development of the faculty and its student is the high priority of the College, evident from many national conferences, and seminars arranged or sponsored every year. Faculty and staff’s development accomplished by these number of conferences gear towards educators’ teaching in nursing programs as well as those engaged in faculty practices. Senior faculty is served by the Executive Development Series and the Leadership for Academic Nursing Program. The school also offers free seminars or training sessions offered exclusively for nurse educators’ teaching in diploma and degree programs.

Special Projects

The School actively seeks grant funding and scholarships to launch initiatives of special interest to nurse educators working in diploma programs. These projects currently focus on end-of-life nursing care, quality and safety education for nurses, and cultural competency.


The School is planning to publish a quarterly Journal of Professional Nursing and the newsletter based on a variety of other publications for the knowledge of nursing educators, administrators, students, and staff.

Educational Programmes

Murshid School of Nursing & Midwifery offers various undergraduate, Degree, Diploma & Certificate programs in Nursing & Technician training, including;

  1. Post RN B.Sc. Nursing (2-Years)
  2. Generic B.Sc. Nursing (4-Years)
  3. Diploma in Nursing (3-years)-Phase Out in 2018
  4. Diploma in Nurse-Midwifery (1-year)
  5. Community Midwifery Diploma (2-years)

Para Medical courses include;

  1. Technician Program (1-year) 17-specialties
    • Operation Theatre Technician
    • Anesthesia Technician
    • Laboratory Technician
    • Pediatrician Technician
    • Ultrasound Technician
    • Emergency Medical Technician
    • Ophthalmic Technician
    • Physiotherapy Technician
    • I.C.U Technician
    • X-Rays Technician
    • Dental Surgery Assistant
    • Dispenser Technician
    • CT scan Technician
    • Blood Bank Technician
    • Dialysis Technician
    • E.C.G Technician
    • Vaccinator Technician
  2. Nurse Aid/Nursing Assistant Certificate Course (1-year).
  3. Assistant Certificate Program (1-year) 8-specialties
  4. Healthcare Assistant Program (1-year).

For undergraduate programs, we are affiliated with Dow University & Health Sciences and Pakistan Nursing Council while Technician program is recognized by Sindh Medical Faculty.